
BooksArticlesBook chaptersTeaching materialsMedia appearancesMiscellaneous

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Hallberg, A. (2023). Om arabiska: En kort språkvetenskaplig introduktion. Göteborgs universitet. (PDF)

   Reviews: Språktidningen (2024).

Hallberg, A. (2016). Case endings in Spoken Standard Arabic: Statistics, norms, and diversity in unscripted formal speech [Dissertation, Lund University]. (PDF)

   Reviews: Al-ʿArabiyya (2018); ZAL (2019).


Hallberg, A. (2022). Principles of variation in the use of diacritics (taškı̄l) in Arabic books. Language Sciences, 93, 1–15. (PDF)

Hallberg, A. (2022). Variation in the use of diacritics in modern typeset Standard Arabic: A theoretical and descriptive framework. Arabica, 69(3), 279–317. (PDF)

Hallberg, A. (2022). A parallel text-based approach for teaching Standard and vernacular Arabic. Orientalia Suecana, 71, 24–37. (PDF)

Hallberg, A. (2021). Case and mood inflection in Formal Spoken Arabic: A quantitative investigation. Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik, 74, 61–86.

Hallberg, A., & Niehorster, D. C. (2021). Parsing written language with non-standard grammar: An eye-tracking study of case marking in Arabic. Reading and Writing, 34(1), 27–48. (PDF)

Book chapters

Hallberg, A. (2023). Standard language ideology and prescriptivism in the Arabic-speaking world. In J. C. Beal, M. Lukač, & R. Straaijer (Eds.), Routledge handbook of linguistic prescriptivism (pp. 287–303). Routledge.

Hallberg, A. (2017). Några egenheter i arabisk standardspråksideologi. In H. Rahm (Ed.), Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2017 (pp. 39–48). Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. (PDF)

Teaching materials

These documents are subject to continuous tinkering. The latest version can always be found here. For recorded lectures, see lecture under tags.

Introduktion till arabiska: kompendium med övningar (Swedish)
pdf | Blog post

Syrian Arabic grammatical summary
pdf | Blog post

Syrian Arabic transcripts from Al-Kitaab
pdf | Blog post

Keyword network
pdf | Blog post

Hollow/Defective Verb Form I-X
pdf | Blog post

Eye Movements and Perceptual Span in Reading
pdf | Blog post

Verb forms I-X
pdf | Blog post

Minimal pairs in Standard Arabic
pdf | Blog post

The Arabic writing system
pdf | Blog post

Word counts and aya counts of suras in the Quran
pdf | Blog post

Det standardarabiska konsonantinventariet (Swedish)
pdf | Blog post

Timeline of Arab grammarians and their major works
pdf | Blog post

Media appearances

Bergh, E. (2024). Alkompis varnar för desinformation: “De vill att parallellsamhället ska bli starkt.” Läget.

Walden, A., & Amiri, P. (2024). Helvetet med Walden & Parisa (Avs. 13). Munck Studios AB.

Alpman, M. (2024). Vad vet du om sveriges näst största språk? Forskning och Framsteg, 2, 16.

Rasper, E. (2023). Språket. Sveriges Radio P1.

Abd Allāh, N. (2023). كتاب جديد يهدف الى تعريف السويديين باللغة العربية. Radio Sweden Arabic.

Etezaz, Y. (2023). Experten imponerad av Åkessons tal på arabiska. Göteborgsposten.

Jakobsson, H. (2023). Segregation blev rasism när S kampanjar på arabiska. Dagens Nyheter.


Hallberg, A. (2017). Zeittafel. Graphical timeline. In F. Weigelt, Einführung in die arabische Grammatiktradition (pp. 247–249). Harrassowitz. (PDF)

Kurayyim, M. (2017). Tawfiq Basha och den nya musiken (A. Hallberg, Trans.). Glänta, 17(2-3), 153–159.

Ḥamūd, M. (2017). Skammen (A. Hallberg, Trans.). Glänta, 17(2-3), 32–38.